Tenue de @theglamourpursuit datant du 27 Juin 2019 | 21 Buttons
2655 vues
theglamourpursuit It’s time to talk tampons! I’m teaming up with @tampax to set the record straight. Tampax worked with @girlology ‘s Dr. Melissa Holmes to separate the myths and the facts and let us know what’s true! I used to think you can’t wear tampons overnight. The truth is that a single tampon can be worn for up to 8 hours at a time. If you’re planning to sleep with a tampon in, change it right before bed, and make sure you take it out right when you wake up. Wearing a tampon for up to eight hours is safe, no matter what you are spending those 8 hours doing, even if it’s sleeping. Tampax offers a range of great tampon options – link in bio if you’re ready to check them out #hbttampontruths #TampaxTruths #PeriodTalk #PeriodFacts #ad


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