Tenue de @emilinalove datant du 12 Février 2020 | 21 Buttons
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emilinalove Never have I ever been more ready for sun. Never. 🙈 For me it’s always Febuary I find to be a bit of a killer. But actually I have something exciting in the pipeline and it involves ✈️ and not LA this time and it’s for a month! In the mean time, I’m currently watching that little bike on my Uber eats map coming to mine with goodies and I’m going to watch some cartoons and turn off as I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed today with how much work I have on! I hope you’ve had a lovely Tuesday <3 • • • #gingeraesthetic #redhair #vintageaesthetic #vintageaesthetics #sustainablefashion #sustainableliving #sustainabledesign #vintagestyle #tumblrvintage #styletumblr #vintagestyling #veganismisthefuture #veganuary #gingerhairdontcare #greeneyes #rockerchick #rockstar #grungeaesthetic


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