Tenue de @georgiemb datant du 10 Mai 2020 | 21 Buttons
993 vues
georgiemb Happy VE Day 🇬🇧 today our road had a social-distancing street party where we all had afternoon tea on our driveways (to be honest with you, it’s still going on now 🙊). I’ve actually been really looking forward to it, a) for a reason to dress up and b) to socialise with other humans other than my family from a distance of course. It’s really lifted my spirits, and it’s been amazing to see the turn out from the amazing community we have here for such a special event close to all our hearts! I tried to dress for the occasion with cheat victory rolls and my @sukielovesvintage dress (the closest thing I have to a 1940’s tea dress) 💋


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